New Study Confirms "Flushable" Wipes Don't Disperse in Sewer Systems

Flushable Wipes

Thinking twice about what you flush away could save money and the environment.

Results from the report entitled Defining “Flushability” for Sewer Use, from Ryerson’s Flushability Lab at Ryerson Urban Water, showed that out of the 23 tested products labeled “flushable”, not one single wipe was able to fall apart or disperse safely through the sewer system test.  This can negatively impact household plumbing, municipal sewage infrastructure, and consequently, the environment.

Improper disposal of the single-use products has huge impacts not only on individual residences, but also on municipalities.

Many of these wipes contain synthetic fibers, including plastics, which can make their way into waterways, harming water systems and wildlife. 

Read the entire article here: